Airport planning and development provides the foundation for growth by creating a plan not only for development but also for the process used to implement planned projects. These projects, as well as the planning and development process, are governed by a number of federal requirements.
Economic Impact
- Statewide Airport Economic Impact Study, MnDOT Aeronautics
- Economic Impact Calculator, MnDOT Aeronautics
- Development of an Economic Impact Measurement Tool for Small/Medium Size Commercial and Public Use Airports in Minnesota (research report)
- Funding and Grants, MnDOT Aeronautics
Master Plans and Airport Layout Plans
- Guidebook for Managing Small Airports, 2nd Edition, Sec. 5.3 Airport Planning, ACRP, 2019
- Airport Land Use Compatibility Manual, MnDOT Aeronautics
- Minnesota State Aviation System Plan, MnDOT Aeronautics
- Airport Zoning, MnDOT Aeronautics
- National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems, FAA
- Airport Master Plans Advisory Circular (PDF), FAA
- Approach and Departure Surface Standards (PDF), FAA