Basics of Airport Management Workshop

April 23, 2024 
11:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.

Breezy Point, MN

About the Workshop

This workshop, tailored to new airport professionals and incoming public officials, aimed to enhance attendees' understanding of the aviation story, airport management issues, current challenges industry leaders face, and strategies for implementing sensible strategic plans or goals. It was designed to present new airport board members or commissioners, senior and mid-level airport executives, and entry-level staff with a substantive and thoughtful review of the airport industry. The workshop also provided a capstone summary of the airport management environment from A-Z.


Kimberly Kenville

Kimberly Kenville is a professor in the Department of Aviation at the John D. Odegard School of Aerospace Sciences, University of North Dakota (UND), where she has taught airport management for 20 years. Before UND, she worked for Detroit (DTW) and Milwaukee (MKE) in airport operations and participated in a Noise Internship with MSP airport. She has completed 12 Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) guidebooks and syntheses that pertain specifically to airports and their response and recovery to emergencies, social media, funding industrial aviation development, aviation education, strategic planning, and organizational effectiveness. She is a member of the ACRP Oversight Committee and the Lead Emissions and Piston Powered Aircraft Committee for the National Academies. She is the current chair of the North Dakota Aeronautics Commission.


Contact Natalie Niskanen at [email protected].


This event was sponsored by MnDOT Aeronautics and hosted by AirTAP.